Different Methods For Growing Strawberries (3 Simple Methods)

Different Methods For Growing Strawberries

Growing strawberries is a favorite activity among gardeners, as the sweet and juicy fruit makes for a delicious treat.

However, there are several different methods of growing strawberries. We will explore the various techniques used to cultivate these delectable berries.

We’ll discuss the pros and cons of each method and provide tips to help you get the most out of your strawberry crop.

Different Methods For Growing Strawberries

Below, we will explore the various methods for growing strawberries.

Method 1: Growing Strawberries In Containers

Container gardening has become increasingly popular over the years due to its convenience and portability. If you’d like to try strawberry container gardening, choose containers that are 10-12 inches in diameter and have holes for drainage.

Fill the container with a high-quality potting mix, then add 4-5 strawberry plants. For best results, you should fertilize your container every two weeks during the growing season.


Container gardening allows you to move your strawberries to different locations if needed, provides better control over soil conditions, and reduces problems with weeds or pests.


Containers lack the depth necessary to support large root systems and require frequent watering due to evaporation from the sides of the containers. Additionally, they may dry out quickly depending on sunlight exposure.

Method 2: Growing Strawberries In Raised Beds

Raised beds are great for growing strawberries, as they provide the plants with plenty of space to grow. The beds should be at least 8-10 inches deep, and you should choose an area that receives 6-8 hours of sunlight a day.

Before planting, mix organic matter into the soil to improve its drainage and fertility, then plant your strawberry plants 12-18 inches apart.


Raised beds are great for controlling weeds and pests, and they allow easy access to inspect your crops without damaging them. Additionally, raised beds require less irrigation than container gardening due to their better water retention.


Raised beds require more effort when it comes to preparing the soil to ensure abundant growth and good-quality fruit yield. They also take up more space in your garden.

Method 3: Growing Strawberries In The Ground

Growing strawberries in the ground is a great option if you have enough room and access to good-quality soil. To begin, choose an area that receives 6-8 hours of sunlight a day and has well-draining soil.

Then, either broadcast strawberry seeds or set out plants 12-18 inches apart. Mulch around the plants to help keep weeds down and conserve moisture.


Growing strawberries in the ground allows for maximum yield due to their larger root systems and greater pest resistance compared with container gardening or raised beds.

Additionally, it requires less work when preparing the soil since you don’t need to mix organic matter into it as much.


Growing strawberries in the ground can be more difficult to manage due to larger areas of weeds and pests, as well as a greater risk of soil-borne diseases. Additionally, it requires more time and effort to protect your crop from weather extremes and drought.

Propagation Methods

There are two main methods for growing strawberries, by seed and by runners.


Growing strawberries from seed requires a bit of patience, as the seeds take approximately 60-90 days to germinate.

However, it is relatively straightforward and with proper care can be successful. When planting strawberry seeds, start by picking an appropriate type for your climate and soil condition, and then soak them in warm water overnight before planting them in quality potting compost.

Place the container outside in bright but indirect light (ideally below 70F/21C), keep the soil moist but not soggy, and ensure good ventilation.

Thin out plants once they reach 3-4 inches tall, transplanting some into individual pots when they are big enough to handle without damaging the roots.


This method involves collecting runners or ‘daughter’ plants from existing strawberry plants and replanting them in a new location.

To begin, choose or buy healthy strawberry plants with lots of runners – each runner has several small buds at the end that will eventually produce baby plants when planted.

Cut off the runners from the parent plant using a sharp knife or secateurs, then transplant each one individually into weed-free soil in a sunny spot.

Water regularly, mulch to keep moisture in and protect against weeds, and be patient as it may take up to 12 months for your new strawberry plant to yield ripe fruit.

For both propagation methods, ensure you provide regular water and nutrients throughout their growing season, such as nitrogen-rich fertilizer every 6 weeks or so.

Strawberry plants are typically ready for harvest in June and July, with some varieties producing fruit until October.

Pest And Disease Management

Keeping up with pest and disease control is essential for successful strawberry growing. Common problems can be avoided by identifying them early and taking proactive steps to prevent them from occurring.

Generally, these issues include diseases caused by fungi, viruses, and mites, as well as pests such as slugs and snails.

Organic Control

To keep your strawberries healthy organically, a few basic steps can be followed such as cleaning up debris around the garden to reduce locations where pests could hide or overwinter; keeping weeds under control since they can harbor pests; and mulching with straw or wood chips to discourage slugs.

Other methods of prevention would include rotating crops, using floating row covers on newly planted or vulnerable plants, releasing beneficial insects such as ladybugs, and using a mixture of garlic, water, and soap as a natural insecticide.

Chemical Control

If more aggressive measures need to be taken, there are effective chemical control options available. Always read the product’s label carefully before use and follow all instructions for application.

Fungicides can help by preventing diseases such as gray mold (Botrytis cinerea) or leaf spot (Cercospora spp.), while insecticides can target specific pests like spider mites (Tetranychus urticae). As with any pesticide use, you must apply them safely.

Wear protective clothing and gloves when applying chemicals, and ensure proper ventilation in enclosed areas where they are used.

By following these steps, you can keep your strawberry plants healthy and productive. Regular monitoring and early intervention are key to preventing pest or disease issues. With the right care, you can enjoy a successful harvest of sweet strawberries for many years to come.

Harvesting And Preservation

When harvesting strawberries, it is important to pay attention to the timing and techniques. For maximum sweetness, berries should be picked when they are fully ripe.

This can be determined by their bright red color and slight softness when touched. When picking, make sure to use two hands and avoid bruising or damaging the fruit as much as possible.

It’s also a wise idea to wear gloves when handling them due to the sharp prickles on some varieties of strawberry plants.

Once harvested, strawberries must be handled with care to keep them fresh for as long as possible. They can be stored in plastic bags in the refrigerator for up to 4 days or frozen without any additional preparation if desired.

If you plan on preserving your harvest through canning, jams and jellies, or dehydration, it’s important to note that the process can be time-consuming and requires special equipment.

It is also recommended to research proper safety procedures before getting started. This will help ensure a safe and successful outcome.

Regardless of the preservation method you choose, take the necessary steps to protect your harvest from pests while in storage.

Keeping them away from other fruits and vegetables, storing them at lower temperatures if possible, and checking for signs of spoilage regularly are all important when preserving strawberries.

By following these tips on harvesting and preserving techniques for strawberries you can enjoy their sweet flavor for much longer than usual.

As a bonus, you’ll have ample time to experiment with different recipes that incorporate your freshly picked berry bounty.

Fertilizer And Amendment Recommendations

When it comes to fertilizers and amendments, strawberries can be sensitive. To achieve the best results with your strawberry crop, you’ll want to select a fertilizer or amendment that is specifically designed for strawberries.

This type of product will generally have higher levels of phosphorus and calcium compared to other types of fertilizer products.

It’s also important to consider nitrogen levels when selecting your fertilizer as these can greatly impact plant growth and berry production.

Additionally, soil pH should also be taken into consideration when determining which type of fertilizer or amendment to use. Strawberries prefer soils with pH levels ranging from 6-7.

If the soil pH is too low (below 6) then adding lime or sulfur may be necessary to raise the pH level in the soil.

If the soil pH is too high (greater than 7) then adding sulfur may be necessary to lower the pH level in the soil.

Finally, it’s important to remember that proper fertilization and amendments should be applied throughout the growing season to maintain healthy plants and maximize berry production.

Always refer to product labels for specific application instructions and adjust accordingly as needed. With careful attention and diligent management, you’ll be able to enjoy a successful strawberry harvest.


Growing strawberries can be a rewarding and fun experience. With the right knowledge, care, and dedication you can have a successful harvest of sweet berries for many years to come.

Whether you choose to grow them in raised beds, containers, or the ground, it’s important to select a suitable variety for your area and adhere to proper management practices such as pest control, fertilization and amendment use, harvesting techniques, and preservation methods.

By taking the necessary steps to maintain healthy plants and maximize berry production you will be able to enjoy your sweet strawberry bounty for much longer than usual.

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