15 Beautiful Flowering Plants For Inside

15 Beautiful Flowering Plants For Inside

There’s nothing quite like flowering plants when adding a touch of beauty and life to any interior space.

While they can be difficult to maintain and require careful tending, the rewards they bring in aesthetics are well worth the effort. We’ll discuss 15 beautiful flowering plants that you can use to brighten up your home or office.

15 beautiful Flowering Plants For Inside

These plants are a great way to bring a little bit of the outdoors into any living space. They can help purify the air, add splashes of colour, and create an inviting atmosphere sure to draw in compliments.

1. African Violet

African violet is native to East Africa. The plant does best with temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, so keep your African violet indoors in a warm spot.

They are easy plants to take care of, needing only basic care like regular watering and occasional fertilization. If you don’t have much time or experience caring for plants, this could be a perfect choice.

These beautiful purple flowers can bloom all year round with the right amount of love and attention.

To encourage blooms, they require ample light but not direct sunlight, which can scorch their delicate petals. Place them near an east or west-facing window for best results.

African violets are not just popular because of their beauty; they’re also known for the aroma they produce. If you’re looking to add a bit of fragrance to your home, African violets can be a perfect choice.

The sweet smell will fill your space with a soothing scent that won’t overpower other aromas in the room.

Overall, African violets make great houseplants and bring color, life, and sweetness into any home. These plants can bring joy and beauty into your life with minimal effort.

2. Orchid

Orchids are a beautiful addition to any indoor garden. They come in various sizes and colors, ranging from small and delicate whites to large and vibrant purples.

Their exotic flowers have a subtle, sweet fragrance that can bring life to any home or office space. Orchids require minimal care but will reward you with continuous blooms when cared for properly.

When choosing an orchid, it’s important to consider the size of your indoor space and the climate where it will be placed.

Make sure not to expose your orchid to direct sunlight or cold temperatures if possible. Orchids need light levels between 12-14 hours per day, so investing in a specific type of light is recommended.

They also prefer a humid environment, so it’s important to mist your orchid often and invest in a humidity tray to create the ideal atmosphere.

When it comes to watering, orchids need just enough water to keep their roots moist but not over-saturated. Aim for one thorough weekly watering and misting every other day.

Additionally, fertilizer should be used sparingly, as too much can cause damage to your orchid’s delicate roots.

With proper care and attention, your orchid will reward you with vibrant blooms all year. It will be a gorgeous addition to any indoor garden.

The key is to provide your orchid with an environment similar to its natural habitat. With the right light, humidity, and water levels, you’ll have a beautiful indoor display of fragrant blooms for years to come.

3. Geranium

Geraniums are popular for indoor houseplants due to their beautiful, showy flowers. They come in many colors, from hot pink to deep purple, and can be found in both flowering and non-flowering varieties.

Geraniums are easy to grow indoors because they require minimal care and attention. All they need is bright sunlight and regular watering; ensure not to overwater as this can lead to root rot.

Geraniums also prefer slightly acidic soil with good drainage, so adding compost or peat moss to the soil mix can help keep it well-aerated.

Fertilize every six weeks during the growing season with a liquid fertilizer for best results. Prune back overgrown stems regularly to keep the plant looking neat, and remove any spent flowers as they appear.

With proper care, your geraniums should be blooming profusely in no time. Geraniums make a great addition to any indoor garden, and they will reward you with their vibrant blooms all year round.

With the right care, these cheerful plants can be enjoyed for many years.

4. Cyclamen

Cyclamen is a popular choice for indoor flower gardening due to its hardiness and wide range of colors. It does well in partial shade, has a high tolerance to cold temperatures, and requires very little maintenance.

The flowers come in different sizes with vibrant hues that make them perfect for adding a touch of color to any room or office space.

Additionally, they are known as one of the longest flowering plants, producing flowers from winter until late spring.

To get the most out of your Cyclamen plants, you should water them regularly without overwatering and provide sufficient light.

They thrive best when their soil is moist but not wet; during the summer, keep an eye out for wilting leaves if the soil is too dry.

Additionally, it would help if you placed them in an area with good air circulation and away from direct sunlight, as this can cause the leaves to scorch.

With proper care and maintenance, Cyclamen plants will brighten your home or office space. Overall, Cyclamen is a great choice for indoor gardening thanks to its low-maintenance requirements and stunning blooms.

With vibrant colors ranging from pink to white and purple, they are sure to add a touch of beauty and color to any room in your home or office.

5. Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe plants are a great choice for anyone who wants to add color and life to their home or office.

The flowers come in various vibrant colors, ranging from pinks and oranges to yellows and purples, making them a stunning addition to any space.

It is also relatively easy to care for, as most species can survive with occasional watering and minimal sunlight. Too much direct sunlight can damage the leaves and flowers of Kalanchoe plants.

Kalanchoe blooms yearly in spring or summertime, producing clusters of bright blooms that last for several weeks.

During this time, it’s important not to overwater them or expose them directly to intense heat or cold temperatures.

After the blooming period, it’s important to prune back any stems and leaves that may have died off to get ready for the next round of flowers.

To keep your Kalanchoe healthy, ensure that you provide it with well-draining soil and enough indirect sunlight. Water sparingly and feed with a balanced fertilizer once a year in springtime.

Regular misting of the leaves will also help keep them looking lush and vibrant. With just a little care and attention, this beautiful flowering plant can bring joy and life into your home or office all year.

With its wide variety of colors and minimal maintenance requirements, Kalanchoe is an ideal choice for anyone who wants to add color and vibrancy to their living space.

Whether you choose the classic, colorful varieties or the more exotic ones, this beautiful flowering plant will bring life into any room.

6. Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemums are the perfect choice for adding a bright splash of color to your indoor space.

They are easy to care for and can be grown in pots or containers, making them an ideal choice for novice and experienced gardeners.

The flowers bloom from late summer through autumn, providing vibrant blooms for weeks.

When it comes to maintenance, Chrysanthemums require some attention – they need regular watering, fertilizing, and deadheading when necessary.

However, as long as these needs are met, they will reward you with beautiful blooms that last throughout the season.

Be sure to look out for pests like aphids and caterpillars, which may try to feed on the leaves or buds of your Chrysanthemum.

If these pests become a problem, take action quickly with an insecticide to ensure your plants stay healthy. Chrysanthemums are beautiful flowering plants that add greatly to any indoor space.

They come in various vibrant colors and provide long-lasting blooms throughout the season. With proper care, they can be enjoyed for many years to come.

7. Poinsettia

Poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) are popular flowering plants that bring bright colors and cheer to the home or office.

They are frequently seen as part of holiday decorations, but poinsettias can be enjoyed year-round with proper care.

Most people assume the brightly colored red flowers of poinsettias are petals, but those “petals” are specially adapted leaves called bracts.

The flowers form in small yellow clusters in the center of each bract. In its native Mexico, poinsettias bloom during winter months with tall stems covered in brilliant red blooms.

With proper care and attention, these beautiful plants can thrive indoors all year.

They need bright, filtered light and warm temperatures for the best results. Water the plant when the top of the soil is dry to the touch, but do not let it sit in water or become soggy.

Fertilize poinsettias every few weeks during active growth periods and prune them after flowering throughout spring and summer to encourage fuller, bushier plants.

These festive plants make great housewarming gifts and last-minute decorations. Poinsettias can also be enjoyed year-round with proper care.

With their cheerful blooms that bring a bit of color indoors during grey winter days, they are an ideal choice for adding life and beauty to any home or office.

8. Jasmine

Jasmine is a popular choice for indoor gardens, making it an ideal plant to bring life and beauty into your home.

It has a long flowering period with delicate, white star-shaped flowers that are highly fragrant. The scent of jasmine is often used in perfumes and aromatherapy due to its calming properties.

The flowers bloom in late spring and summer, so if you plant them indoors, expect plenty of beautiful blooms during the warmer months.

Jasmine makes a great addition to any room as it can tolerate low light levels; however, brighter light will help promote more flowers.

When caring for jasmine indoors, occasionally provide lots of water and mist to increase humidity.

As it is a tropical plant, it does best in temperatures of between 60-75°F. Pruning can also help to keep it tidy and encourage fresh new growth.

Overall, jasmine is an easy-care flowering plant that will bring beauty and serenity into any home, making it the perfect choice for an indoor garden! It is sure to become a treasured addition to your interior landscape.

9. Peacock Plant

The peacock plant is native to Brazil, and its bright colors make it a popular choice for indoor plants.

Its unique leaves, which range in color from green to yellow-brown and can have striking purple stripes, are shaped like fans or feathers and give the plant its name.

In addition to adding visual interest with their foliage, peacock plants also produce small but beautiful flowers in shades of red, orange, and yellow that last throughout the summer months.

The blooms are trumpet-shaped and often attract bees or other pollinators. The peacock plant prefers bright indirect light when grown indoors but tolerates some shade.

It needs consistently moist soil but should not be overwatered; allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Peacock plants can develop root rot if their roots are kept in soggy conditions for too long.

To encourage continued flowering, fertilize with a balanced fertilizer every two weeks during its blooming period and regularly prune off any dead or dying leaves or flowers.

This will help keep your peacock plant looking its best. With some care, you can enjoy this beautiful tropical plant indoors.

10. Fuchsia

Fuchsias are great for adding a touch of color and beauty to any home. They can be grown in hanging baskets or pots, as they have an elegant trailing habit.

Fuchsias thrive in bright indirect light and moist soil, but they should be protected from direct sunlight and given occasional fertilizer during the growing season.

When their blooms fade, prune them to encourage new growth and flowering. With proper care, these flowers will keep blooming all summer long.

To keep pests away, regularly check your plants for signs of infestation, such as aphids or mealybugs.

If you find any, take measures like wiping them off with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol or spraying with insecticidal soap to keep them away.

A humid environment is also beneficial for your fuchsias, so make sure to mist them regularly or place them in a room with a humidifier.

With regular pruning and plenty of TLC, these delicate blooms will surely add cheer and beauty to any home.

11. Begonia

Begonias are a great choice for bringing color and life to any home. They can be grown indoors and outdoors, but they prefer bright, indirect light.

Begonias thrive in moist, well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. To keep them healthy and blooming, it’s important to water them regularly and keep the soil evenly moist.

When watering your Begonia, use room temperature water, as cold water can shock the roots. When growth slows down in winter, you should reduce watering frequency.

Begonias don’t require much fertilizer during the growing season; they only fertilize when actively growing or flowering (once every two weeks). A half-strength liquid fertilizer applied directly to the soil is best.

When your Begonia starts to get woody and leggy, it’s time for pruning. Cut away dead or overgrown branches with scissors or pruners to encourage more compact growth.

Begonias can be easily propagated from cuttings; remove a cutting about 3-4” long and place it in a moist potting mix with just the top few leaves exposed.

It should root within three weeks, and you will have a new Begonia plant. With their colorful blooms and attractive foliage, Begonias are an easy way to add beauty to your home.

With the right care, these beautiful flowering plants can thrive indoors and outdoors. Plus, with regular pruning and propagation, you can keep your Begonia looking its best for years to come.

12. Bromeliad

Bromeliads are an excellent choice for those looking to add a touch of exotic beauty to their home décor.

They can be grown in pots indoors or outdoors and thrive in indirect sunlight, making them ideal for brightening up any space.

Bromeliads are a low-maintenance plant, requiring only occasional watering and fertilizer every few months.

In addition to their attractive flowers, bromeliads boast long-lasting foliage that is often variegated with shades of green, yellow, orange, and red.

They come in various shapes and sizes, which makes them perfect for use as small accent pieces or larger centerpieces.

With proper care, bromeliads can last many years while adding color and character to any room. Bromeliads come in various species, each with its unique beauty.

Whether you’re looking for an eye-catching statement piece or an understated addition to your decorating scheme, there’s sure to be a bromeliad that fits the bill.

With their colorful flowers and long-lasting foliage, bromeliads are an ideal choice for adding a touch of style and elegance to any home.

13. Anemone

When Anemones are in full bloom, they create a mesmerizing display of delicate, daisy-like petals that can last up to six weeks.

These flowers thrive indoors as long as they’re put in an area with lots of light and regular watering. To keep them healthy, it’s important to ensure the soil is well-drained and never let it become too wet.

Additionally, these plants should be fertilized regularly to ensure their continued growth and longevity. With proper care, Anemones can bring beauty into any home for years!

In addition to being beautiful flowering plants inside, Anemones also offer other benefits. They act as natural air purifiers by removing certain contaminants from the air, such as benzene and formaldehyde.

They are also known for helping to reduce stress levels and symptoms of depression. Furthermore, Anemones produce a subtle scent that can help create a relaxing environment in any room.

Anemones are relatively low-maintenance plants compared to other indoor flowers, making them perfect for novice gardeners or those without much gardening experience.

With the right care and attention, they will remain healthy and happy indoors year after year. Anemones make an excellent addition to any home or office space thanks to their bright colors and long blooming periods.

Their ability to act as air purifiers, mood enhancers, and stress reducers makes them even more appealing. Proper care and maintenance allow these beautiful plants to bring beauty and wellness into your home for years.

14. Amaryllis

Amaryllis is a popular choice for indoor flowers due to its ease of growth and spectacular blooms.

To begin growing an amaryllis, you will need good-quality potting soil, a large container with drainage holes, and the amaryllis bulb itself. Plant the bulb in the potting soil and water it well.

Place your newly planted flower in a sunny spot where it can receive at least six hours of sunlight daily. Keep the soil moist but not wet or soggy, being careful that the foliage does not become moldy.

Once your amaryllis has started to grow, it will produce beautiful trumpet-shaped flowers on long stalks, usually within eight weeks after planting.

After flowering, the leaves should be kept to allow for photosynthesis, but once they start to yellow, it is time to cut them off.

Then move your amaryllis pot into a cool and shady spot and stop watering it until spring arrives again.

At that time, you can bring it back out in the sun, water it, and start the whole process over again. With proper care, an amaryllis bulb may flower yearly for many years.

If you want a stunning addition to your indoor garden, consider amaryllis. Their large, striking flowers will ensure that your home remains colorful throughout winter.

Plus, its ease of growth makes this flowering plant one of the best options for keeping indoors during the year’s colder months.

15. Passionflower

Passionflower is a stunning and captivating flowering plant that makes an excellent addition to any indoor garden.

The flowers come in shades of purple, blue, or white and have intricate petals with unique shapes. They boast a delightful fragrance that can fill your home with their sweet scent.

The passionflower has long been associated with romantic love, making it the perfect choice for any occasion when you want to express your affection for someone special.

It also has medicinal properties and has been used in traditional herbal medicines to treat anxiety, restlessness, and insomnia.

This easy-to-grow flower thrives in almost any setting as long as it receives at least six hours of bright indirect sunlight daily and is moist but not soggy.

It’s an excellent addition to a home garden but can be grown in containers just as easily. Be sure you know of possible pests and diseases that could damage the plant, such as aphids, mites, whiteflies, and powdery mildew.

Treating them early with organic methods is key for keeping your passionflower healthy and beautiful! With proper care, you will enjoy these gorgeous blooms for many years.


Indoor flowering plants can add both beauty and wellness to your home. From exotic amaryllis to the romantic passionflower, many options are perfect for novice gardeners or those with limited space.

With the right care and attention, these plants will reward you with vibrant blooms year after year, bringing life and vitality into any indoor environment.

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